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    Growth Blueprint

    A proven path to scalable eCommerce success that synchronizes your business vision with developer action.

    If you want to streamline their process and enhance developer efficiency so tasks keep up with business growth, you’re in the right place!

    Contact Us

    What is Growth Blueprint?

    A ready-to-use Pro Scale Path for eCommerce businesses in their growth phase

    An eCommerce navigator ensuring optimal system performance and minimizing customer loss

    A comprehensive service for eCommerce owners and product owners to translate strategic goals into operational areas

    What Growth Blueprint provides?

    Performance optimization and reduction of customer loss

    We can increase your retention rate by up to 31% and boost the LTV.

    Maximization of cart value and transaction closures

    We don’t rely on intuition. We design paths based on data.

    Effective idea execution

    We design process with the main business goal in mind.

    Metrics for evaluating developer task implementations

    We connect a developer’s work with the business.

    Business scalability and stability

    We constantly monitor your system

    Data security and operational protection

    We think globally about data protection.

    Why Growth Blueprint is be a 
game changer

    Additional benefits for your business:

    • A framework for calculating business metrics (e.g., ROI) from development activities.
    • Business data collection and analysis without involving developers (data is instantly accessible) – business silo ensures sensitive data is available only to selected groups.
    • Organizational modeling for processes.
    • PowerBI reporting.
    • Preparing the platform for sale to a buyer, from a technical and operational perspective.

    How it works

    We focus on three steps to guide our actions and implement changes.

    Identify and eliminate

    Identify and eliminate internal blockers (systemic and operational) based on the
    operational and business environment.

    What you get:

    A list of modules in your store where you're losing customers and revenue.
    Recommendations to increase cart value and reduce cart abandonment through quick wins.
    Defined performance limits of your system, such as the maximum number of operations at a given time without instability.
    An onsite brand security audit to highlight content irregularities on the platform.
    Access to selected specialists who will help implement recommendations within your delivery team or handle the implementation without additional tasks for your team.

    Optimize service infrastructure and model operational tasks

    We focus on improving eCommerce performance, including page load speed, user interface responsiveness, and order processing. We identify critical traffic points and operation numbers.

    What you get:

    An execution framework for developers to manage change processes and measure implementation quality.
    Updated technical protocols and backup policies to ensure you can quickly resume work and recover business.
    Optimization without cannibalization – code-level actions considering UX and SEO.
    Infrastructure adjustments for current and future needs, considering expected load and traffic characteristics.
    Onboarding the development team on operational and organizational changes caused by work on the system.
    Infrastructure monitoring for scalability and traffic resistance, as well as cost monitoring for optimal price-performance ratio.

    Security and Stability

    24/7 monitoring of the system and business environment, including brand security, ensures system stability and brand image protection.

    What you get:

    Fast response and technical support in crisis situations, clearly outlined in the cooperation agreement.
    System resilience to human error and dependence on a single person.
    Secure data flows for business and user personal data.
    Zero downtime deployments and fast code rollback.
    Platform availability of at least 99,96%.

    Signs that indicate the right path

    We don’t want you to waste time or feel restricted. That’s why we focus on the values and elements of our service that guarantee this.

    No vendor locking

    Any code or documentation at any step is your property. Always.

    Implementing Quick Wins from the day one

    First improvements are implemented as early as days from the start of cooperation.

    Responsible consulting

    We recommend solutions, determine their ROI, and only then implement them. Never the other way around.

    Focus on your business

    Support from business mentors who combine platform changes with operational improvements.

    Live Q&A sessions

    Direct access to people involved in the process through live Q&A sessions.

    Work without access

    We don’t need access to your sensitive data (database, CMS, CRM) to start.

    It’s time for you to boost your revenue

    Contact us

    Signs of business scaling along with lack of platform scaling

    Increase in number of visitors, but low conversion rate
    Limited personalization and optimization capabilities
    High shopping cart abandonment rate
    Lack of support and integration of new Digital Marketing solutions - following the trend
    Problems with customer service
    Low quality and incomplete analytical data
    Problems with integration with other systems like ERP or CRM
    Low website performance and availability time

    Ready to get start?

    Drop us a line to see how we can make scaling your eCommerce easier and more efficient.