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    Monika Regulska

    Monika has been focusing on content and digital marketing for over 10 years. In her career, she conducted branding strategies for eSports, iGaming, the heavy industry as well as for event companies. In her publications, she currently focuses on marketing automation and ways to increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

    Author has published 10 posts:

    eCommerce Customer Retention – must-know strategies for 2025

    eCommerce customer retention is one of the most commonly used strategies to increase profitability and boost brand awareness. Working on customer retention and loyalty means nurturing relationships with them to build symmetrical, long-term value through repeat purchases. Keeping existing customers can be far more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Increasing customer retention by 5% can […]

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    eCommerce platform migration – TOP 3 mistakes your competition is making 

    If we ask what eCommerce platform owners fear the most, their top 3 will likely include: platform migration, changing technology providers, and new payment integrations. these fears stem from mistakes that eCommerce B2C businesses repeatedly make.  In this article, you will learn:  It’s time! when should you migrate your platform?  From our experience, in 70% […]

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    Which is harder: setting up a new e-store or integrating e-commerce with other systems?

    Digital transformation is not simply about jumping on the latest technological bandwagon or retrofitting IT technologies to adapt to an online business model. While setting up an e-store is a crucial step in getting your business digital-ready, it is only the tip of the iceberg. The real challenge often lies in integrating this new platform […]

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    The art of balancing – Leveraging marketplaces without falling into their traps

    In today’s digital world, the opportunities for eCommerce are wider than ever. The low barriers to entry mean that changes are happening not just year by year but month by month. eCommerce owners face the challenge of balancing profitability, competitive offerings, promotional activities, customer loyalty, and preferences. Partnering with marketplaces, developing your own eCommerce platform, […]

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    Allegro is changing the rules of the game

    Allegro, a marketplace familiar to nearly everyone, is altering the way products and offers are displayed. Starting in October, buyers will see offers presented on the platform in a new way. For sellers, this signals the need to revise strategies, prepare for stronger competition, and consider advertising and the more limited presentation of their products. […]

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